Tuesday, 6 January 2015

AOP Awards

It was a great end to the year picking up 2 AOP awards to go with the 2 Kontinent awards from the States this year. I want to thank Tom Griffiths for all his hard work on the shoot in Iceland, we were out in the stormy gales at night shooting icebergs and trekking over frozen lakes with cracking ice to get our pictures. Great fun but hard work but worth it to get these pictures.

Runolfur Hauksson on the Black Beach on the Southern Shores. (Best Single Portrait AOP Awards)

Kontinent - Nature Award 2014

I would like to thank D and D productions, particualy Dave and Denise. Plus a special thanks to Alex Cornes for assisting and organising for me to go down to the Mundesly weekender in Norfolk. Also of course to all our subjects who allowed us to interrupt their evening while they were getting ready for dinner. We invaded their chalets with lights and stands to produce this set of images. 

Monday, 5 January 2015

South Sheilds

I was recently up in Newcastle visiting Kates family , I was really interested to see the old Ship yards and to see if I could get a shot there , so we headed out on  the Metro out to South Shields and walked along the docks
it soon became apparent that things have changed , after a quick visit to a pub it was confirmed , they are no longer there , its now all new Housing developments some good some not by the sound of things , Its such a shame that industries like this that define areas and people should be allowed to die like this ,

We ended up walking the other way and came across another old institution that has died away and been left to ruin , The Tynemouth outdoor swimming pool .In its day it must have been incredible in the summer , lets hope that the regeneration of the area can get places like this up and going again for the communities .